Tuesday, June 14, 2011

{Baby love}

As the days go on, William & I are getting more & more excited about our little baby. Sometimes, I become impatient. I am so ready to be a mommy already! Then, other times, I become overwhelmed.. it's kind of hard to imagine what life will be like in our home with one more person. I fear that William & I will not have enough time for each other, or that we will forget about each other & get lost in taking care of our little one. I fear I won't be a good enough mom, or that I won't have enough patience, or enough love to share with the baby & William.. so many thoughts. Whenever these overwhelming thoughts take over our minds, we sit & talk. We know that we are in love & we know that all of the trials we have gone through the last two and a half years have only made us closer, & more in love than ever. So we feel that our love can survive through this. {not that it's a trial, but, you know what I mean} We have also talked about how no matter what, we still need to remember that God comes first in all things, & we need to make that very apparent in our home. We know that God is in control & would never give us something we can't handle.

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted & built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, & overflowing with thankfulness"..Colossians 2: 6&7
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." .. Phil 4: 13

During this last week we have focused a lot on the growing baby in my belly, on all of the things we need to do before it gets here. I don't know if it is even possible to be completely prepared. But we have started prepping the little things. For example, yesterday we drove out to scottsdale to a clothe diapering store. We purchased our first "Fuzzibunz" diaper. For those of you who haven't been reading my last few posts, William & I have decided to Clothe diaper all of our children. It is something I have always wanted to do. We chose to use the brand "Fuzzibunz" because of the recommendations of multiple friends who have used this brand, & because of they're wonderful reviews.  {If you want to learn more about Fuzzibunz, click here} Anyways, we bought one diaper, mainly because we wanted to become familiar with them on a more personal level, instead of just reading about them.

We are going to use the One size Fuzibunz. They are adjustable on the legs and waist so that you can have a perfect fit no matter the size of your baby. You can use these diapers on your children from birth to potty training.  {Saving you & your hubby, LOTS of money while keeping your children diaper rash free & comfy!}

We brought it home & immediately sized it to the "Newborn" size. Isn't it so cute & tiny?? William is very excited about it too, surprisingly. He asked me if they make them in his size! {Because they are so soft & comfy}  Wish us luck as we learn more about Clothe diapering! & everything else we need to learn about before this little blessing gets here :) 

Here I am at 12 weeks! Belly hasn't "Popped" yet, but I sure do feel {& look} bloated :) 


  1. i am 20 weeks now girl, & i still haven't 'popped' enough for anyone to know im pregnant :P

    it takes way longer this first time around than i had thought!

  2. Agreed! I just want to look pregnant already haha instead of just looking like i put on a few pounds :P

  3. I don't know much about clothe diapering, but I like what I'm reading about the benefits of it(I'm not pregnant, just thinking of the future. )

    My question is, how do you plan to clean them? And does this mean you will be washing diapers 3-4 times a day? I have heard newborns use 12-15 diapers a day.

    Just curious :-)

  4. Kristin: Hello! With cloth diapering, you ususally have what is called a wet bag. The wet bag stores your soiled diapers until time to wash! The wet bag seals in moisture & odors. Prior to washing in the washing machine, most people lightly clean their diapers off immediately at home using a diaper sprayer that attatches to the toilet, spraying the poo into the toilet. Making it rather convenient :)
    Cloth diapering is something i am still learnging about, yet feel pretty confident in. As i learn more & get to actually apply it to real life, i will be posting about it :)

  5. Wow, sounds like you've got it figured out!

    Thanks for the reply!
