Sorry friends, we have been kind of MIA lately. all for good reason though.
We're getting used to the thought of being parents! & trying to figure out G's feeding schedule.
Aye.. nursing is like a full time job i tell ya! But im loving every minute of it :)
Today, G is 18 days old. Time goes by so fast! I feel like we cam home from the hospital just yesterday!
She is such a good little baby and we are thoroughly enjoying her.
{Helping mom fold laundry. I love my little lovebug}
On top of just figuring out how to do this whole thing the right way, we have had a couple of things weighing heavy on our hearts.
We found out last week that G needs to have an ultrasound taken of her hips. Since she was breech, she is at high risk for hip dysplasia. If you don't know what that is, basically it means that there is a chance that her hip sockets didn't form correctly because of how she was positioned in the womb. When they pulled G out of my tummy during the Cesarean section, she was in pike postition! a perfect angle. Her legs are still pretty darn straight, rather then curled up like most babies, making it almost impossible to keep her laying on her back to sleep. also, because of how her legs are, we have been unable to use our cloth diapers. They are all too clunky & her legs are so close together. plus she is so tiny that even the newborn disposables are big on her.
They are taking the ultrasound to make sure G will develop properly in a couple of weeks.
a few days ago, we went to the pediatrician for her 2 week checkup. He brought another thing to our attention.
G's head is forming in an abnormal way. This is something i have noticed the past week as i am feeding her & rubbing her sweet little head. The back of her head is kind of bulgy and the front of her head feels like the cranium plates on the sides are slightly wrapped around the front plate of her head, almost like her front plate is falling in. He told us that there is a chance she may have
Craniosynostosis, otherwise known as Cranial Stenosis. What this basically means is that the sutures in the cranium have fused, leaving no room for brain growth. We took her to get an Xray of her cranium yesterday to try & rule out this possible diagnosis. Were hoping to hear back very soon.
As you could imagine, these past 2 weeks have been very scary for us. As parents, it is so hard to hear that anything, even something small, may be wrong with your little one.
All of the things that we are checking for have a solution, but even the solutions seem quite scary..
We have cried & prayed a lot this week, that God will protect our sweet little girl & that all of these tests will show that there is improvement in her hips & that her head is forming ok.
please keep us in your thoughts this week as we try to figure all of this out. We know it is all in Gods hands & whatever is meant to happen will happen.
I just wish my heart could be calm right now.. its so hard not to worry.